A stuttering former street thug from Threshold, killed by a mishap with a morningstar and a flaming jar of oil in Fortress Eibon.
Class | thief-dabbler |
Title | Apprentice-Medium |
Alignment | Chaotic, probably |
Special | Languages spoken, spells, thief "skills" |
Abilities | |
Strength | 11 |
Intelligence | 11 |
Wisdom | 8 (-1 vs. magic) |
Dexterity | 14 (-1 AC, +1 ranged, 5% xp) |
Constitution | 11 |
Charisma | 6 (-1 reaction, 3 retainers, morale 6) |
Combat | |
Armor Class | 6 |
Hit Points | 4 |
Advancement | |
Points | 638 |
Treasure | 25 |
Current employer | Bonspiel |
Leather armor, warhammer, sling, spear. Known spells: Floating Disc.