Gamgar Khazam
Dwarven Swordmaster, Cripple, and Land Developer.
Player | johnstone |
Class | Dwarf |
Level | 3 |
Title | Dwarven Swordmaster |
Alignment | Chaotic |
Special | Darkvision, Stonecunning, Hearing, Detect Traps and stuff, Languages (Common, Dwarvish, Gnome, Kobold, Goblin). |
Wounds | Missing left arm and left leg, brain-dead, diseased. |
Abilities | |
Strength | 9 |
Intelligence | 0 (Brain-dead) |
Wisdom | 10 |
Dexterity | 5 (-2) |
Constitution | 12 |
Charisma | 8 (-1 reaction, 3 retainers, morale 6) |
Saving Throws | |
Death Ray or Poison | 8 |
Magic Wands | 9 |
Paralysis or Turn to Stone | 10 |
Dragon Breath | 13 |
Rod, Staff, or Spell | 12 |
Combat | |
THAC0 | 19 |
Armor Class | 4 |
Hit Points | 12 |
Advancement | |
Points | 7495xp |
Treasure | 2300gp, 4sp, 8cp |
Equipment | Bib, easily-cleaned clothes, 4 vials of holy water sewn into those clothes. |
Retainers | Uts Magestabber. |
Adopted Daughter | Floria Khazam. |
Former Retainers | Porfyrio Damaschii, Pilpo Paggins (unpaid apprentice, dismissed for unsatisfactory work), Narmat (deceased), Evtaxadar of the Lash (deceased), Milan Draganovich (deceased). |
Adventures | 02: Second Expedition to The Lost Mine, 03: Second Expedition to The Lost Mine (cont.), 10: Return to the Lost Mine, 11: The Numminen Hoard, 12: Standoff in the Mine, 13: Escape from the Lost Mine, 16: Fire & Water, 19: Undead Undead Undead, 21: Sacred and Profane, 22: Escape From the Desecrated Church, 24: Bed, Bath, and Beyond... in Koralgesh!, 28: Thieves of the Old City, 29: The Doppelganger Effect, 32: Return to the Filthy Sewers, 33: The Iron Golem's Gold, 51: Gamgar's Woolford Vacation, 52: Gamgar Fights the Ghouls, 53: Dwarves in the Dark, 64:Special Cross Over Extravaganza, 65: Caves of the Creepy Crab Crawlers, 66: Stairway to Toadhell. |