Floria Khazam
Floria Khazam is an eleven-year old former orphan girl.
After being kidnapped by an ogre and rescued by Gamgar Khazam, she offered her services as a torch-bearer. Gamgar adopted her and had her trained by a magician. With her keen intellect, she took to the mystic arts with great ease, assisted by the many scrolls and spell books her adopted father and his colleagues have looted from the dungeons of the Black Peaks.
Employer | Gamgar Khazam |
Class | Magic-User |
Level | 5 |
Title | Enchantress |
Languages | Common, Thieves' Cant, Dwarvish |
Alignment | Orphan |
Abilities | |
Strength | 10 |
Intelligence | 13 (1 extra language, +5% experience) |
Wisdom | 9 |
Dexterity | 12 |
Constitution | 12 |
Charisma | 14 (+1 reaction, 5 hirelings max., morale 8) |
Saving Throws | |
13 | Death Ray or Poison |
14 | Magic Wands |
13 | Paralysis or Turn to Stone |
16 | Dragon Breath |
15 | Rod, Staff, or Spell |
Combat | |
THAC0 | 19 |
Armor Class | 8 |
Hit Points | 13 |
Magic | |
Spells per Day | 2 first level spells, 2 second level spell, 1 third level spell. |
First Level Spells | Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Enlarge, Feather Fall, Floating Disc, Hold Portal, Identify, Light, Magic Missile, Message, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, Ventriloquism. |
Second Level Spells | Continual Light, Detect Invisible, ESP, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Magic Mouth, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Ray of Enfeeblement, Web, Wizard Lock. |
Third Level Spells | Haste, Infravision, Protection from Evil 10' Radius. |
Advancement | |
Points | 23,999xp |
Former Retainers | Samwick (deceased), Durwick (deceased). |
Equipment at hand | A jeweled golden tiara worth 1,100gp, dagger, glowing globe-topped staff, glowing amulet, ring of the scintillating orb, ring of protection +1, wand of lightning bolts (12 charges). |
Equipment in shoulder bag or backpack | 4 flasks of oil, 19 iron spikes, hand mirror, tinderboxes, 7 torches, 50 feet of rope, 2 wineskins, grappling hook, crowbar, small sack, 2 weeks rations, chalk, small hammer. |
Equipment at home | 5,790gp, 13sp, 42cp, white dragon parasol (resist cold), Drago's Arcane Scroll, skull medallion, frog medallion, toad medallion, crossbow, 17 quarrels, holy brass knuckles, holy ball, holy whip, whip-god plate mail, scarab key, jade statue of Kor worth 25gp, feather-light shield, Dwarven plate mail with continuous light breastplate, pick, rake, wheelbarrow, shovel, sledgehammer, pony, evil spellbook (with charm person, invisibility, magic missile, sleep, and wizard lock). |