About Us
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Ego Rapio, Ergo Erigo!

Who are we?
We're the Vancouver chapter of the Original Red Box, inspired by their old skool gaming love.
What do you do?
We play old editions of D&D (and related games) in Vancouver, BC. Everyone is welcome to game with us, whether it's your first or millionth time role playing.
Games & Systems
The What We're Playing link in the navigation is more up-to-date, but here's the current list:
- cr0m, thickets, PeteC & johnstone run the Black Peaks campaign using Red Box D&D & Labyrinth Lord with a little LotFP Weird Fantasy RPG mixed in.
- Planet Algol runs a Planet Algol campaign using LotFP Weird Fantasy RPG.
When & Where
We normally play Thursday evenings at Waves Coffee on Broadway & Spruce. See the calendar on our home page or check out the scheduling forums.